Instructions for Living with Fibromyalgia

4 min readJan 14, 2023

You are going to be in pain. It is going to be different than other pain you have felt. This isn’t injury type pain. This is stiffness pain. This is muscle cramp pain. This is aching all over pain. This is feeling like you worked out too hard at the gym, but you don’t have a gym membership. This is burning and stabbing pain. This is your clothes aren’t made out of the proper material and it hurts your skin pain. This is feeling like one giant muscle knot pain. You are going to be so stiff and sore at times you are going to be sure you know what rigor mortis feels like. Some days you are going to be in more pain than others. You will be able to predict the weather by your pain and your doctor will ask you for weather forecasts. Get used to it. This pain is going to be with you the rest of your life. You might as well make friends with it. Give it a name if it makes you feel better. Your doctor will put you on some kind of pain medication if they know what is good for them. It won’t get rid of all the pain, and you may wonder if it’s working. It is. Miss a day and you will find out.

Do not, for one second, believe that you are going to be able to do everything you used to be able to do before your diagnosis. It’s not going to happen. There are going to be days you can’t even get out of bed. If you are lucky enough to get out of bed…




University student working on their MA in English. Book reviewer, creative writer and blogger.